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Getting Active in Your Community - Health Hub

Being part of a group or community means working together for something bigger than just yourself. Sian Stimson, a Certified and Registered Nutrition and Health Coach challenges Kiwi kids to give their community a helping hand…

It’s time to give your community a helping hand!

Hi Upstarters,

Do you love hanging out with your friends? Are you the first one to put your hand up to volunteer for something at school? Maybe you have a favourite team sport you like to play or love taking to the stage as part of an acting troupe?

As humans, we are built to connect with other people - we need each other and we work best as a group.

Being part of a group or community means working together for something bigger than just yourself. And it’s been proven that people who are part of a community AND help others feel happier and healthier!

I love that, don’t you?

SIAN, Health Hub

What is a community and why should I help those in it?

When we look around us, we can see lots of different groups and people that make up our community.

Can you list all the communities or groups you are part of? Think about your family, your school, hobbies, your faith or beliefs…

What makes these groups special? Maybe they do a particular activity or have special ways to celebrate important occasions, or maybe it’s as simple as being related to each other!

A community is only a community because of the people in it. It relies on all the people contributing and lending a hand.

It’s great to help others!

Try it and notice how happy you feel afterwards, knowing you’ve helped make a difference!

The Helping Hand Challenge…

Your challenge is to find a way to do something to help your community.

Some ideas for how you can help your community are…

Offer to help a neighbour with odd jobs - or even just pop in to have a chat.

Organise a tree planting or litter pick-up day in your local area.

Give books and toys you no longer need to your local medical centre, daycare or hospital OR sell them and donate the proceeds.

Write to your local council or central government about positive changes you would like to see in your community.

Help raise money for a charity by holding a bake sale.

Collect up, clean and donate quality clothes to charity groups.