Upstart Magazine

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How to Make a Dream Catcher

Learn how to make a dreamcatcher and be inspired to step outside and find a few things that make you smile.

What you need…

This is what we used but you can use whatever decorations and materials you have around your house. Get creative!

  • Hoop (we used a hoop from an old macramé holder, but there are other ideas below)

  • Twine

  • Ribbon

  • Scissors

  • Natural decorations (leaves, shells, interesting twigs, etc.)

  • Wooden beads (optional)

  • Glue (if your hoop needs to be wrapped in the ribbon)

The Hoop

We got our twine-wrapped hoop by cutting up a macramé plant holder. Here are a few other ideas so that you can create your dreamcatcher’s hoop with minimal effort or cost...

  • Get a parent to help you to cut out the middle of a circular plastic lid

  • Make a hoop from pliable sticks and plants

  • Buy a craft hoop from a craft shop and wrap it in ribbon or twine

What to do…

Create the Centre Pattern

  1. Cut a piece of twine that is the length of the circumference of your hoop. Then, decide where the top of your dreamcatcher will be and tie one end of the twine to it

  2. Pull your twine across to the next point you want it to connect to.
    Hold it securely in place as you loop the twine underneath the hoop.

  3. Pull the twine across to the next point and repeat the process of pulling and looping until you get to where you started.

  4. Tie the end of your twine to the top of the hoop and trim off any excess.

  5. Cut out a new slightly smaller piece of twine and tie one end to the string on your dreamcatcher. Continue connecting and securing the string to each central point until you reach the start where you can tie off.

  6. Repeat the process of cutting new strings, looping and tying until you are happy with your design.


  • Fern Tassels:
    Tie a small fern leaf or another leaf to the end of a piece of ribbon and thread the ribbon and fern stem through a wooden bead to secure it in place.

  • Plant Styling:
    Weave leaves and/or flowers onto your hoop to decorate it

  • Extra Ideas:
    If you want a dream catcher that doesn’t need refreshing you could use dried and pressed leaves or even use shells, feathers or other natural treasures that don’t wither.

Hint: If the weather is nice pop on a hat and sun cream and sit outside to make your dream catcher. We found it much more inspiring and relaxing to be surrounded by nature.

Fun facts about Dream Catchers…

  • Dream Catchers are based on a Native American legend
    The legend says that a spider woman who protected children from bad dreams found she couldn’t visit the bed of every child in the tribe each night. So the women of the tribe wove magic webs and hung them over cradles. These were called dream catchers.

  • The number of points on a dream catcher gives it a different meaning.
    5 points symbolise courage, 6 point means friendship, while 8 points symbolise wisdom and learning.

  • Sunlight is believed to cleanse dream catchers.
    Native Americans believe that sunlight will help to evaporate any negative dreams the catcher captures overnight.

Did you give it a go?

Send us a photo of your dream catcher and you might find your creation featured in a future issue of Upstart magazine… AND win a prize!