Easy Sandpaper Printed T-Shirt

Special thanks to Scouts Aotearoa for sponsoring this activity.

Whether you’d like to wear your favourite drawing, or are making a gift for someone special, this simple sandpaper printing technique will allow you to create your own printer t-shirts in minutes!

What you need:

  • Good quality crayons (we used Crayola)

  • A white t-shirt

  • Super fine sandpaper
    Tip: we purchased a pack of different types of sandpaper, allowing us to try lots of different textures. The more coarse the sandpaper is, the less detailed the final print is.

  • An Iron

  • Paper towels

  • A piece of thick cardboard

Always ask permission from a grown-up before using an iron.

What to do:

  1. Cut a piece of fine sandpaper to the maximum size that you would like your print to be.

  2. Use the crayons to create your picture on the coarse side of the sandpaper.
    Top Tip: The image will be reversed when it’s printed onto your t-shirt, so any words will need to be written backwards!

  3. Once your drawing is complete, go back over the drawing applying as much crayon as possible to every section. The drawing will only transfer to your t-shirt where there is lots of crayon layered onto the sandpaper.

  4. Place a piece of thick cardboard inside your t-shirt. This is to stop your drawing from bleeding through onto the back of the t-shirt when you apply it.

  5. Turn the sandpaper upside down, so that the drawing is facing the t-shirt and position it where you would like your final print to be.

  6. Place a paper towel on top of the sandpaper to protect your iron.

  7. Ask a grown-up to help you set your iron to the cotton setting, then apply the iron to the paper towel (and the sandpaper under it) for approximately 30 seconds.

  8. To see if the transfer has worked, slowly lift one edge of the sandpaper and make sure you have a good print. If not, iron for a little longer to transfer more crayon.

  9. Once you are happy with the print, remove the sandpaper then place another paper towel over your print and iron again for another 30 seconds. This will set the print and remove any excess loose crayon.

  10. When washing your t-shirt for the first time after creating a print, wash it alone just in case you missed any loose crayon.

Did you give it a go?

Send us a photo of your sandpaper-printed t-shirt and you might find your creation featured on the Upstart website or in a future issue of Upstart magazine… AND win a prize!

About Scouts Aotearoa…

We empower youth through adventurous experiences to lead lives that make a positive difference.

Scouts welcome young people between 5 and 26 and is open to all genders, ethnicities, religions, and abilities. All you need is a sense of adventure and fun!

The Scouts programme is designed to give you ownership of your own adventures.

We want every young person to feel empowered, have adventurous experiences and play an active part in improving their communities

Scouts Aotearoa